Knife Fight Training - euseca

Knife Fight Training


4 days


1050 EUR

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Skill prerequisits

The training is intended for beginners and intermediates.
During the workshop there will be theoretical lectures and practical classes.

Required gear

Required outfit: tactical and sports shoes, training will take place on the mat indoors and outdoors.

Training gear: BRAVE combat knife, metal training knife, soft knife, soft baton, bamboo rattan stick, tires - board, protective shields. (all equipment is provided by the organizer)


  • defense against blackmail with a knife
  • types of attacks with a knife
  • defense against attacks with a knife
  • carrying and drawing a knife
  • state of surprise and state of readiness, situational awareness
  • choosing fighting positions and taking fighting positions A,B
  • walking and working on your feet
  • work with the other hand during the fight-defence
  • the role of distance – types of distance and their application
  • blocks and their use in group A,B
  • cutting and stabbing techniques using the BRAVE combat knife
  • Knife fighting tactics from A,B stance
  • simulations of combat, defense and knife fighting
  • body zones most exposed to stabs and cuts
  • the use of a telescopic baton in self-defense,
  • movement analogies used both in defending and
  • using a knife or a stick

After completing the training, all participants receive course completion certificates and can join the TOP Instructor group, where SAJN System Instructors and people applying for Instructors practice.



1050 EUR

Course prices includes accommodation and food for the complete training

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Course info

The workshops include learning how to defend against a knife cutter and fight with knives  – 50% of your combat success is correct combat strategy. During the workshop, you will learn to defend against the most common knife attacks. You will learn techniques and tactics that will increase your speed, increase your range and improve the strength of your thrusts Additionally, you will learn 3 rules of knife fighting, which will additionally improve your safety. Together, we will choose the best combat strategy for you that will affect your effectiveness. You will gain knowledge that is passed on in elite formations of uniformed services.


See some pictures from past courses.

Upcoming courses:

15 May - 18 May1050 EURLog in
18 Sep - 21 Sep1050 EURLog in

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