ESA Boot Camp - euseca
E.S.A. 33

ESA Boot Camp


10 days


1650 EUR

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Preliminary rules you need to know before enrolling in this course:
1) ESA Boot Camp is a different course from the other tactical courses.
The basic concepts of this course are, first of all, DISCIPLINE, TEAM SPIRIT, SACRIFICE, MIND TRAINING.
2) During this course you will not be allowed, except during 2 hours of daily relax:
- Use of mobile phone or any other electronic device;
- Socialize with students who are doing courses different than yours;
- Move away from the Academy (unless authorized by the instructors);
- Argue, discuss, reject the instructions of your instructors (such behavior could lead to exclusion without refund from the course).
3) Failure to comply with the rules and regulations will result in two types of sanctions, to be applied at the discretion of the instructor staff.
Mild sanction: This sanction is applied to minor deficiencies such as, for example, delays in schedules, poor commitment to training, poor care of yourself and the clothing provided.
It involves the performance of extra tasks compared to the other students in the course.
Severe Sanction: This sanction is applied to serious deficiencies such as unauthorized use of the mobile phone, serious lack of compliance with the instructors' directives, unsafe use of firearms, leaving ESA without not authorization of the instructor staff, consume of any alcoholic beverage and any drug.
The student is aware and accepts that the repetition of two severe sanction could mean the exclusion from the course, without reimbursement.
4) There are no training hours on this course. You will be trained from the first to the last minute during which you will enter the world of E.S.A.

Remember, no one is forcing you to participate in this course.
All the instructors will do their best to help you in the challenge with yourself and for this reason you must respect them and understand their functions.
If you are not able to withstand the high levels of stress and the challenges that this course offers you can at any time, without any problem giving up and leave the Academy.


400x 7,62 AK Platform Carbine.
400 x 9mm Pistol
50 x 5,56 Simunition
30 x 9mm Simunition
2000 Bullets Paintball (instructors only)

(depends on course/students progress)


- ESA Boot Camp Certificate
- TCCC Certificate
- ESA Combined Firearms Certificate

Boot Camp Student Rankings

During the Boot Camp students will be assessed for each subject, commitment, discipline and attitude.
At the end of the course the first three classified will receive respectively:
First place: A 40% discount on the purchase of any subsequent course on the EUSECA.COM site to be used by the end of 2024. The result obtained will be advertised on the E.S.A. social media channels

Second place: A 20% discount voucher on the purchase of any subsequent course on the EUSECA.COM website to be used by the end of 2024. The result obtained will be advertised on the E.S.A. social media channels

Third place: A 10% discount voucher on the purchase of any subsequent course on the EUSECA.COM website to be used by the end of 2024. The result obtained will be advertised on the E.S.A. social media channels

*The coupons cannot be combined with other promotions

Skill prerequisits

Good health condition and ability to physical exercies under stress

Required gear

Required gear
2 Tactical Camo shirts
Tactical belt
Tactical vest
Black amphibians
Tactical Camo jacket
Gymnastic suit
Gym shoes
Personal clothing suitable for climatic conditions
Black tactical pants / 2 black shirts
Hat and gloves
Rain coat
Facial camouflage paintings
2 points tactical rifle sling
Amphibian glossy cream
Shoe brush
Shooting glasses
Shooting ear protection like earmuffs, earplugs


During the week of training the student will acquire the following skills:
– Formal and disciplinary training: correct use of personal equipment, and formal training (becoming one body)
– Physical training: Physical exercises designed to improve physical endurance and stress and path of military daring
– Individual training
– Understanding and use short and long weapon and any weapon provided
-Static and dynamic shooting techniques in coverage and without
– Jam management
– Weapon maintenance and cleaning
– Movement techniques, coverage research, day and night movement
– Individual masking
– Use of tactical terrain
– Observation techniques
– Principles of topography without the use of electronic equipment
– Estimated calculation of the distance enemy unit
– Choice of observation posts
– Basic night fighting techniques

– Medical Training: Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC), Medical preventive techniques and basic treatment for infections



1650 EUR

1650 EUR

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Course info

Have you ever wondered how it would be to attend a Military Training Program?
To see what it is like, find out the ESA Boot Camp. Push yourself to new levels, expand your horizons, grow your leadership skills.
The Tactical Team of instructors we have assembled at European Security Academy, with all their combined experience, training & leadership skills over all faces of advanced military and Law Enforcement instruction and training, ensure the proper knowledge, skills and attitude necessary to make your training experience as real and hard is possible.
We cannot give you real military training, only army can do it, but in just one week we will do our best to give you the most real experience possible and make you better understand how much commitment and sacrifice military life requires.
During ESA Boot Camp you will challenge your limits, you will learn the true meaning of discipline and sacrifice, you will discover the concept of camaraderie.
In short, if you pass this course, this experience will forge you a new consciousness.

The ESA Boot Camp is above all an unforgettable life experience.


See some pictures from past courses.

Upcoming courses:

02 Jun - 11 Jun1650 EURLog in

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